I'm Viktor

I like building and teaching

My blessing and curse is that I do a lot of things

Over the past decade I've built apps, teams, and companies companies.

I've also built a bunch of things that didn't go anywhere.

Currently I'm building a new life for myself together with my girlfriend.

I believe in sharing what I learn and think with anyone who is interested. For a long time, I thought I would become a teacher. I think I've finally become one.

I regularly enjoy coaching CTOs on the really gnarly problems they might run into when running a tech org in a startup. Building systems for deep work and making the mental shift from individual contributor to strategic executive.

The past 5 years I've also invested way too much money into early stage startups. Have I made any money back yet? Nope! 20% of them don't exist anymore. Two are looking really good. Ask me again in five years. 😉

I also like single-player mode

People I've met are often surprised to hear that I am an introvert. When meeting people I can be engaged and high energy for a couple of hours. And then I need to go home and rest.

I also play a lot of video games. By myself. No MMOs for me! Single player RPGs and strategy is what I like. I've completed 100% of all achivements in Fallout 4 and spent more hours playing Civlization 6 than any other game.

I also love my journaling routine. Every morning I light a candle in my skullshaped candleholder (memento mori), uncap one of my many fountain pens and just start writing.

I've always enjoyed reading. The past years I've started ranking the non-fiction books I read. I keep a list of the books I've ranked highest under /books.

Some of the things I've done

I don't try a lot of tools and end up using just a handful

Here is a short list of tools I use almost every day (some of the links are affiliate links):

  • Vacnotes: My own voice to text app. Helps me turn my ramblings into clear text and actions.
  • Fastmail: Email, Calendar, files, team features and up to 100 domains. A great Google Workspace replacement.
  • Astro: The best ASO tool I've found for keyword research.
  • Cal.com: Calendar scheduling tool that has a generous free tier and is open source!
  • Github Copilot: AI assistant in Android Studio.
  • ClaudeAI: The best interface for interacting with the best model.
  • Digitalocean: Hosting for various sites and servers.
  • Loopia: Most of my domains are bought here.
  • Kit: The tool for sending my newsletter.

© 2024 Viktor Nyblom